Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fairy Energy

I love Fairies. I never tire of the magical world of fairies. Which is why I am embarking on a new journey by starting to write a follow up book to my first book THE FAIRIES: Evidence of the Existence of Another World. I’ve been doing more research, which is always enlightening and fun.

Fortunately, more and more books published about fairies and other nature spirits.

Here are a some I recommend: The Fairy Bible by Teresa MooreyHow to Find Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary BakerFlower Fairies Magical Moonlight Feast by Cicely Mary BakerFaeries by Brian Froud and Alan Lee.

People often ask me how they can see fairies. I don’t believe there is one definitive answer to this question. What I can say is you have to quiet your mind, relax into the present moment and raise your consciousness to a higher level. The fairies live within the world we inhabit but on a much higher vibrational frequency. They live on the astral plane where many other magical spiritual beings of the devic realm reside.

Fairies can lose all semblances of human characteristics because they are shape-shifters.  They can abstract their forms into whirling masses of energy, color and light. It is important to keep your heart and mind open to the different ways in which they may appear to you.

I am curious about my own fascination with fairies, angels and other magical and enchanted beings from the unseen world. When I was quite young I would sit in the garden looking under flowers for fairies. It was an instinctive impulse, and I guess I’m still looking. Joseph Campbell’s words come to mind, “Follow your bliss.”  I am grateful the Universe has offered me opportunities to follow my bliss by exploring the unseen world and sharing my discoveries with others.


Anonymous said...

loved reading this blog entry. i just wrote a fictional story about a teenaged girl who finds she has fairy wings, as a result of a mother who was addicted to smoking fairy dust... not at all like your work, or even Francescas, our mutual friend, but anyhow... excited by your work, inspired by you, yourself.